Year Sponsor

Larry and Lisa Siegel

לע"נ אחי וגיסי שעיה בן יעקב ז"ל

All articles about the Tefila

Mizmor Hodu: Understanding Chevel, Nachala & Land of Canaan [Tefila-1]


Tefilat Shacharit Mizmor Hodu

In the morning prayers, we recite Mizmor Hodu taken from Divrei HaYamim I Perek 16 pesukim 8-36.

1. What is the meaning of cḥevel (portion, also meaning rope) and nacḥala (inheritance)?

2. Being the holiest Land, why does the posuk use the phrase: the land of Canaan?


1. The Land of Canaan refers to the material and mundane aspects, while “cḥevel” relates to connecting these aspects to spiritual level and “nacḥala” implies the source of all goodness and blessings.

2. Since the Land of Israel is the source of holiness and blessing, it is the place to elevate the material and the mundane.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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The Fruits of Eretz Yisrael [Tefila-2]


Birkat Mein Shalosh

After eating grains products, wine or grape juice, and from of the seven species, we recite the blessing Al HaMichya. In the blessing we say: “May we eat of its fruit & be satisfied by its goodness”.

What makes the produce of the Land of Israel so special?


The fruit of the Land draws from the sanctity of the Shechina that resides in the Land. Thus, one who eats of the fruits is also influenced by the sanctity of the Land.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Birkat Hamazon Eating Within the Land of Israel [Tefila-3]


Birkat Hamazon

In Birkat HaMazon (Grace After Meals) we thank G-d for the good Land that He has given us.

Why is the Land of Israel mentioned when we thank G-d for providing our food?


Just as food sustains on the physical level, the Land sustains on the spiritual level.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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God’s Choice of Abraham and the Promise of the Land [Tefila-4]


Tefila Vayevarech David

Since God is omnipotent and fulfills His promises, what is the significance of God’s Covenant with Avraham in giving the Land of Israel?


The covenant is an expression of the deep connection between God and His nation which is realized with the covenant.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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God’s choice and desire for Zion [Tefila-5]


Tefila Yehi Chavod

In our daily prayers we recite:
“כִּי בָחַר ה’ בְּצִיּוֹן אִוָּהּ לְמוֹשָׁב לוֹ”
“For the Lord has chosen Zion; and He ‘desired’ it for His dwelling”

1.  What is the significance of the name Zion?

2.  What does it mean that God ‘desires’ Zion?


1.  Zion is the spiritual vessel which vitalizes the Land of Israel.

2. God desires the Land of Israel since it is the dwelling place for His Shechina in this world.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Shir haMa’alot and the Sanctity of Eretz Yisrael [Tefila-6]


Why, before reciting Grace after meals, do we recite Shir HaMaalot which reminds us of Zion?


The connection between means and ends of a process and to make all the travails seems as but a dream, is what Eretz Yisrael is all about.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Eretz Yisrael Atones for Am Yisrael [Tefila-7]


In the Shabbat Musaf Tefilah Av Harachamim, why is it appropriate to mention the Land of Israel?


The Land’s destruction and desolation achieves atonement for Am Yisrael’s sins.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Righteous and Non-Righteous hasten the Redemption [Tefila-8]


וּבָ֤א לְצִיּוֹן֙ גּוֹאֵ֔ל (And a redeemer shall come to Zion)

The posuk in Navi says first redemption and then teshuva. The gemara explains first teshuva and then redemption. Is there a contradiction?


1. The righteous hasten the redemption through the great merit of their actions. The wicked also hasten the redemption, since many Jews abandoned the Torah, God will bring the redemption, and they will repent.

2. Mashiach will be in a generation that is entirely worthy or entirely wicked. Our generation is both entirely worthy and wicked. The wicked outwardly reject the Torah, but innerly desire to rectify the world.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Remembering the Land Brings Compassion for Am Yisrael [Tefila-9]


What is the connection between remembering the Forefathers and remembering the Land?


The Forefathers and the Land teach that even when Am Yisrael sins, inwardly they remain close to God. This arouses Heavenly mercy when judging them.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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