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Larry and Anita Noble
In loving memory of Sol and Roz Noble z”l
All articles about the Chumash
Eretz Yisrael: The Place to Learn and Live the Torah [Chumash-01]
1. If the Torah is a sefer of mitzvot, why does the Torah start with Creation and not the first mitzvah?
2. How does Rashi’s answer that G-d gave the Land to Am Yisrael answer the question?
Just like the correct location and requirements are needed for the vineyard to grow grapes properly, also the Land of Israel and fulfilling mitzvot are necessary for Am Yisrael.
The Purity of Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-02]
In Parashat Noach, the flood is described.
1. Where did the dove find the olive leaf?
2. Why according to the Midrash, Eretz Yisrael was not affected by the Flood?
The dove found the olive leaf in the Land of Israel. The Land was not affected by the Flood. Eretz Yisrael is the Holy Land, which does not require spiritual cleansing. The Land expels sinners.
Covenant and Torah in the “Blessing of the Land” [Chumash-03]
At the end of Parashat Lech Lecha, Avraham Avinu is commanded with the mitzvah of Brit Mila.
Why are Brit Mila and Torah study the mitzvot that facilitate dwelling within the Land?
1. Brit mila and Torah study are especially great mitzvot, therefore, dwelling in the Land is connected to them.
2. Brit mila and Torah study make Am Yisrael a Godly nation, and as such we merit the Godly Land.
The importance of the mizbeach for the world [Chumash-04]
In Parashat Vayera, Akeidat Yitzchak, according to Chazal is the place of the Mizbeach of the Beit Hamikdash.
Does the mizbeach only have significance for Am Yisrael or is it also relevant to the entire world?
While the Beit Hamikdash is unique to Am Yisrael as a result of the akeida, the mizbeach has universal significance since it has its own inherent sanctity from the beginning of time.
The Virtue of Burial in Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-5]
In Parashat Chayei Sara, Avraham buries Sara in the cave of the field of Machpelah.
What is the significance of burial in Eretz Yisrael from an individual and national perspective?
1. A person prefers to be buried in a place that belongs to him, so burial in the Land is a statement that it belongs to the people of Israel.
2. The Land of Israel is holy. When a person is buried in the Land, his body crumbles into dust and becomes sanctified.
Eretz Yisrael: the Place of the Shechina and of Blessing [Chumash-6]
In Parashat Toldot, the Malbim explains that the “Shechina” resides in the Land of Israel.
Does the “Shechina” resides only in the Land of Israel or wherever Am Yisrael resides?
The Shechina never leaves Am Yisrael. When Am Yisrael is exiled, the Shechina goes into exile with them. However, there is a substantive difference between the inspiration of the Shechina in the Land and outside her.
The Angels of Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-7]
In Parashat Vayetzei, when Yaakov travels to Charan, the angels of Eretz Yisrael are replaced with angels from outside Eretz Yisrael. When Yaakov returns to Eretz Yisrael, the angels from outside Eretz Yisrael are replaced with angels of Eretz Yisrael.
Why can’t the same angels protect Yaakov whether in Eretz Yisrael or outside the Land?
1. Different places convey different spiritual influences. Service of God outside the Land is on the level of “Shun evil”. In contrast, Divine service in the Land is on the level of “Do good”.
2. Angels are an allegory for Divine Providence. In Eretz Yisrael, God’s providence over Yaakov was complete, therefore he dwelt in tranquility. Outside the Land, God’s providence is less; Yaakov was saved from danger, but experienced suffering.
A Portion in Eretz Yisrael is like having a Portion of the World to Come [Chumash-8]
In Parashat Vayishlach, Yaakov Avinu buys a piece of land. The Ibn Ezra explains the following: “The verse mentions the purchase of land to inform us that having a portion of the Land is like having a portion of the World to Come.”
1. What is the connection between Eretz Yisrael and the World to Come?
2. Why is land ownership in Eretz Yisrael comparable to having holdings in the World to Come?
The connection to the Land of Israel binds the individual soul with the collective soul of Israel, so the individual soul merits life which death does not rule.
Strengthening the connection between the Nation and the Holy Land [Chumash-9]
In Parashat Vayeshev, the posuk says: “Yaakov dwelt in the land of his father’s sojournings, in the land of Canaan.”
According to the Netziv, what is the importance for the Avot to settle the Land?
1. The mission of the Avot was to establish a holy nation in the holy Land for the Shechina to be manifest.
2. The Land has a unique quality to facilitate achieving purity and spiritual advancement, more than any other land.
Everything that happened to Yoseph happened to Zion [Chumash-10]
In Parashat Miketz, the Torah describes life of Yoseph in Egypt. The Midrash says: “Everything that happened to Yoseph happened to Zion”.
According to the midrash, what is the connection between Yoseph and Zion?
1. Yoseph and Zion each has a role in connection with Am Yisrael: Yoseph as the sustainer; Zion as the leader of Israel thru Torah.
2. Yoseph loved Eretz Yisrael which created a special closeness and similarity between them.
The Israelites’ Achiza (Holdings) in Egypt [Chumash-11]
Originally, the Israelites descended to Egypt temporarily and not to settle in the land.
Why did the Israelites choose to settle more permanently in Egypt?
1. The Israelites initially received excellent conditions when they settled in Egypt and therefore extended their stay.
2. The land of Egypt held onto the Israelites and influenced their self-identity.
The Importance of Burial Within the Land of Israel [Chumash-12]
Before his death, Yaakov insisted that Yoseph swear to bury him in the Land of Israel and not in Egypt.
Why was it important for Yaakov to be buried in Eretz Yisrael?
1. Since resurrection will take place only within Eretz Yisrael, those buried abroad will have to endure the suffering of reaching the Land.
2. Burial in the Land connects the departed to the Land and to the nation with an eternal bond.
To a land flowing milk and honey [Chumash-13]
In Moshe Rabbeinu’s first encounter with Hashem, Hashem stresses that the Land of Israel is a land flowing with milk and honey.
Why are the physical traits of the Land emphasized?
1. The physical abundance and quality of life in the Land allow its residents to serve God in a complete manner, without worries or distress.
2. Due to the Land’s great sanctity, it has the ability to rectify sins and bring to holiness, as the quality of milk and honey.
Acquiring Eretz Yisrael thru “Morasha” [Chumash-14]
The word “Morasha” appears in two verses:
1. God’s promise to give the Land of Israel as a “Morasha”
to the Jewish people (in our parasha).
2. The Torah is a “Morasha” which the Jewish people are commanded to observe (Devarim 33:4)
What is the meaning of the word “Morasha”?
“Morasha” conveys the concept of an inheritance that requires effort to achieve. Torah and the Land are examples of Morasha that can only be acquired though effort.
As if the Land Were Given to You Today [Chumash-15]
In the parasha, Rashi quotes a midrash that says: “Let it be in your eyes as if He had given you the Land today & do not regard it as an inheritance”.
Why does the Torah want us to refrain from relating to the Land as an inheritance?
1. One must relate to the Land as something gained today with joy and not as something which one is used to having.
2. The value of the Land is eternal and therefore beyond the restrictions of time. Therefore, it is to be seen as a gift received today.
The Goal – Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-16]
In Parashat BeShelach, the Israelites sang the “Song of the Sea”.
What brought the Israelites to think of Eretz Yisrael and the Beit Hamikdash in the Song of the Sea?
1. Splitting the Red Sea was the completion of the redemption from Egypt and brought the Israelites to reflect on their goal in life.
2. Am Yisrael achieved the level of prophecy, which brought them to reflect their ideals and Eretz Yisrael is the most sublime spiritual ideal.
Honoring Parents and Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-17]
In Parashat Yitro, the “Ten Commandments” were given to Am Yisrael.
1. Why are honoring parents listed as part of the first five commandments?
2. Why is the reward: length of days in the Land of Israel?
1. Honoring parents is a Divine mitzva, therefore the reward is expressed in G-d’s Land and within His nation.
2. Honoring parents stems from recognizing one’s roots and Am Yisrael’s national roots have been in the Land.
Am Yisrael’s development and Shalosh Regalim [Chumash-18]
In Parashat Mishpatim, the Torah connects the “Shalosh Regalim”: Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot with the seasons in the Land of Israel.
What is the connection between the Shalosh Regalim and the seasons in the Land of Israel?
1. The changing seasons reflect the national and spiritual development of Am Israel and the nation’s connection to God.
2. The connection of Am Yisrael and the Land allows the Land to feel her children’s experiences where each development has an impact on the Land.
Eretz Yisrael – the Center of the World [Chumash-19]
In Parashat Terumah, the Zohar explains that the Holy Land is the Center of the world, Jerusalem is the Center of the Holy Land, and the Holy of Holies is the Center of Jerusalem.
Is the Land of Israel the Exact Center of the World?
1. It is the heart of life – vitality reaches the world specifically through Eretz Yisrael, as the heart pumps blood to the body’s organs.
2. The physical Eretz Yisrael has a special equilibrium, that requires it be at the center of the world.
The Beit Hamikdash Enlightens the World [Chumash-20]
In Parashat Tetzaveh, the midrash explains that the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple, enlightens the world.
What “light” is the midrash referring to?
Light allows one to accurately perceive reality. The Beit Hamikdash is a spiritual lighthouse for all of reality.
The Eternal Bond with the Land [Chumash-21]
In Parashat Ki Tisa, the posuk states that the Land of Israel will be an eternal possession of Am Yisrael.
The Netziv explains that even when Am Yisrael is in exile, the Land is still their possession.
What is the inner meaning of this Connection?
The connection between the Land and Am Yisrael is based upon spiritual links which cannot be severed by the physical removal of Am Yisrael from its Land.
Unity of Israel Within Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-22]
In Parashat Vayakhel, the Kli Yakar explains, that Moshe gathered Am Yisrael to stress the importance of unity for the building of the Mishkan.
Similarly, how does the Land of Israel unify the Nation of Israel?
1. Realizing the value of Eretz Yisrael, Am Yisrael unites in order to protect the Land.
2. Eretz Yisrael itself unites opposites, as all holy things bridge the gap between the extremes of contradictory things.
The Heavenly Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-23]
In Parashat Pekudei, the posuk mentions the Mishkan twice. Rabbeinu Becḥayye brings a midrash that teaches that the earthly Tabernacle is located opposite the heavenly one.
Rabbeinu Becḥayye uses this concept to describe the Heavenly Temple, which is located above the earthly one (Devarim 32:52) and he also applies this concept to describe the Heavenly Eretz Yisrael, which is located above the earthly Eretz Yisrael.
What is the significance of the parallel between the heavenly and earthly Eretz Yisrael?
The heavenly and earthly Eretz Yisrael can be compared to the soul and body. Just like the soul is the life force to the body, the heavenly Eretz Yisrael gives the vitality to the earthly Eretz Yisrael.
Shelamim Brings Peace to Am Yisrael and to the World [Chumash-24]
In Parashat Vayikra, Rashi quotes a midrash that the Kurban Shelamim, the “Peace” Offering, brings peace to the world and to its participants.
Why does the Peace Offering specifically bring peace?
1. The shelamim offering exerted a special subliminal influence, which created harmony among the various forces within the world.
2. Since all: alter, kohen, the person bringing the korban, partake of the shelamim, it reveals that they are all connected to sanctity.
The Perpetual Sacrifice and Building Jerusalem [Chumash-25]
In Parashat Tzav, the midrash teaches that the building of Jerusalem and Zion is dependent upon the “Olah” sacrifice.
What is so unique about the “Olah” sacrifice?
The two core characteristics of the Tamid; eternity and community, are characteristics of Jerusalem and Zion as well. It is for this reason, Jerusalem and Zion are built up specifically by virtue of the Tamid, more than any of the other sacrifices.
Beit HaMikdash (Temple) and Mishkan (Tabernacle) [Chumash-26]
Parashat Shemini presents the start of the service of Aaron, as the High Priest, in the Mishkan (Tabernacle).
What are the similarities and differences between the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple)?
The Mishkan and Beit HaMikdash function identically, to facilitate God’s ability to dwell within Am Yisrael. The Mishkan is wherever they may be. The Beit HaMikdash, as its name represents, is God’s house,dwelling place, on earth.
Three Camps of Holiness [Chumash-27]
Parashat Tazria mentions that a person that has a “nega” (leprous mark) may have to leave the three camps for that period.
What is the significance for Am Yisrael to be divided into three camps (Kohen, Levy, Yisrael)?
The division into camps reflects the distinction between sanctity of life, moral traits and social life.
Revealing the Good Hidden Within the Bad [Chumash-28]
In Parashat Metzora, the verse states: “When you come to the land … and I place a lesion of tzara’at upon a house in the Land of your possession”.
Why do the laws of tzara’at of houses apply exclusively in Eretz Yisrael?
It was only in the Land of Israel that treasures were hidden in the walls of houses and finding these treasures required destroying the houses. Am Yisrael has the task revealing the good hidden within the bad and turning evil into good. This is the unique power of Eretz Yisrael.
Pesach and Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-29]
What special connection is there between Pesacḥ and the Land of Israel?
Both Pesacḥ and Eretz Yisrael are for Am Yisarel to remember all the miracles that God did, and that God continues to supervise and run the world in every matter.
Why Sexual Abominations causes exile from the Land [Chumash-30]
Why from all the serious sins, sexual abominations causes exile from the Land?
Disrespecting the marital covenant will lead to disrespecting the covenant between God and Am Yisrael, and this is something the Land cannot tolerate.
Eretz Yisrael Lacks Nothing [Chumash-31]
What is the special connection between the pepper tree and the Land of Israel?
The Land of Israel is like the pepper tree where the tree and its fruit have the same taste. This gives a sense of pleasantness not only in the end, but also in the means.
Omer Offering and Two Loaves of Bread Only from Eretz Yisrael Grain [Chumash-32]
Why are the Omer and Two Loaves brought exclusively from the grain of the Land Of Israel?
These sacrifices only come from the grain of the Land, since the whole matter of the Torah is expressed in a complete way only in the Land of Israel.
Instilling Belief and Faith in God [Chumash-33]
Why does the posuk mention “When you enter the Land” in connection with shemitta?
Upon entry into the Land, the open miracles ceased; Am Yisrael now functioned on a natural level. In the new conditions, it was important to internlize that everything comes from God.
Blessings of Eretz Yisrael when doing the Mitzvot [Chumash-34]
Why would observance of mitzvot yield rewards like rain and produce?
When the mitzvot are done properly, we may trust that we will receive God’s blessings as a sign of His love for us, and that these blessings will come in the most pleasant manner, and appropriate time.
Significance of Six Hundred Thousand Israelites [Chumash-35]
In Parashat Bamidbar, why does God request the counting of Am Yisrael?
It was necessary to count Am Yisrael prior to entering the Land. Six hundred thousand represents Am Yisrael in its completeness, since this number is complete in all its factors. Thus, this number of Israelites is required in order to sanctify Eretz Yisrael, to have the Shechina rest within her and to bring the complete redemption.
Revelation of the Essence of G-d’s Name [Chumash-36]
Why was the Name of God pronounced as written only in the Temple?
In the Beit HaMikdash, the Shem haMeforash was pronounced as written; since it is the place where God’s essence is felt.
Unity and Remembering G-d in Trouble and Rejoicing [Chumash-37]
Why in Beha’alotcha, trumpets are blown at a war, while in Ki Teitzei the victory at war is not dependent upon the trumpets?
One should take the initiative in battle and not await the enemy’s attack within the Land.
Rebellion Against God and Against Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-38]
Why was the Nation of Israel punished so severely for the sin of the spies
Since the connection between God and the nation can be fully realized only in the Land, rejecting the Land is the equivalent of rejecting God.
The Portion of the Leviim [Chumash-39]
Why didn’t the Levites receive an inheritance in the Land of Israel?
The Levites are the “King’s Legion” and it is therefore appropriate that their livelihood should be provided for them, without the need for them to work hard.
Why Moshe Did Not Enter Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-40]
Why was Moshe’s punishment for hitting the rock, not entering the Land of Israel?
Moshe is compared to the sun, while Yehoshua to the moon. Unlike the sun, which blocks the light of the stars, when the moon shines at night, the light of the stars is visible. Similarly, moderated leadership is needed in the Land.
Ya’akov and Yisrael – Two Levels [Chumash-41]
Why is the name Yaakov associated with tents and the name Israel with dwellings?
The quality of Ya’akov allows the nation to survive in times of suffering . The quality of Yisrael allows the nation to reach the level of authority to declare God’s name.
Dividing Eretz Yisrael by Lottery [Chumash-42]
Why is the division of the Land of Israel to be done by a lot?
God, who created the world, recognized which tribe is a match for a given portion of the Land. The tribal division by lottery indicates that this essential connection is God given and above human understanding.
For The Sake Of God and Am Yisrael [Chumash-43]
Why did the tribes of Reuven and Gad stress that they would go ahead of the Israelites when going to battle to conquer the Land?
Reuven and Gad offered to go ahead of the Israelites out of recognition of their moral responsibility to share the responsibilty of the battles to conquer the Land.
Do Not Corrupt the Land [Chumash-44]
1. How does the Land of Israel get corrupted?
2. What is the meaning of God dwelling in the Land and amongst Israelites?
God brought Am Yisrael to the Land to be holy. The opposite of this purpose is bloodshed, which ends a life and prevents manifestation of the Shechina. This would indicate that the Land does not impart wisdom. This would make the Land require atonement.
Caution from Sinning in Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-45]
The Ramban explains in his introduction to Sefer Devarim, that Moshe Rabeinu gives encouragement not to fear living in the Land of Israel, due to the high spirituality of the Land.
Since there are other sources that say one should fear sinning in the Land of Israel, how is the contradiction reconciled?
One who lives in the Land with the intention of fulfilling mitzvot, will merit Divine assistance in fulfilling all mitzvot and in succeeding in settling the Land.
Difference in Sanctity West and East of Jordan River [Chumash-46]
Why was it so important for Moshe Rabeinu to enter the west side of the Jordan River?
There are two sanctities; the sanctity of the Shechina and that of mitzvot; the Shechina is limited to western Eretz Yisrael, while the latter applies on both sides of the Jordan.
Satiated Physically and Spiritually from the Fruit of the Land [Chumash-47]
In Parashat Eikev, Moshe Rabeinu describes the blessed physical qualities of the Land of Israel.
Why was it important to describe the blessed physical qualities of the Land of Israel?
Eating the fruit of the Land not only satiates one, but also elevates the person spiritually and brings the person closer to G-d.
Importance of Border Towns Protecting Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-48]
Why are border cities in the Land of Israel exempt from the punishment of “Ir HaNidachat”?
The mitzva of Ir haNidaḥat does not apply to border towns in order to prevent the destruction or conquest of the Land.
The Eternal Allocation of Land in Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-49]
In Parashat Shoftim, the Torah mentions the prohibition of taking one’s fellow’s land within the Land of Israel.
Why does this prohibition only apply in the Land of Israel?
In Eretz Yisrael, property rights are eternal, being passed from father to son throughout the generations, while outside the Land, the rights are temporary.
Mitzvot-God’s Royal Decrees or Prescriptions or Both? [Chumash-50]
In Parashat Ki Teizei, the Torah mentions what the Israelite soldier needs to do for the ‘Yefat Toar’ to be his wife. If the soldier did what was required, why will ultimately he will hate her and she will bear a rebellious son?
Outside Eretz Yisrael, one fulfills mitzvot because they are God’s decrees. In the Land, there is also the connection between mitzvot and objective goodness, like a doctor’s instructions
Bikurim-Rectification of the Sin of the Spies [Chumash-51]
1. What is the purpose of the mitzvah of bikurim?
2. Why does the Torah add ‘in his time’?
1. Bringing bikurim to a kohain and the bikurim recitation are rectification for the sin of the spies.
2. Giving bikurim to a kohain in his time constitutes rectification of the sin against Moshe and Aaron.
Mutual Responsibility in Eretz Yisrael [Chumash-52]
According to Rashi, why does the Israelites’ mutual responsibility begin upon entering the Land of Israel?
It is the Land of Israel that creates the special connection between individual Israelites to the collective Israel and to the fulfillment of Torah.
Mitzvat “Hakhel” -Connecting Am Yisrael to Hashem [Chumash-53]
1. Why does Hakhel occur on Sukkot following the Shemita year?
2. Why are the children required to come?
1. The timing is intended to strengthen Am Yisrael spiritually prior to returning to its agricultural work.
2. Even though the children are too young to understand the reading of the Torah, the gathering is uplifting and leaves a positive impression.
The Special Quality of Moshe Rabbeinu’s Vision [Chumash-54]
Why does God request Moshe to ascend Mount Nevo to see the Land? Would it not cause him pain since he cannot enter?
Moshe’s vision infused a spiritual charge into the material aspects of the Land so that the Land can achieve higher sanctity through Am Yisrael’s practical work and toil.
Sukkot: Difference in Emunah between Am Yisrael and Other Nations [Chumash-55]
During the holiday of Sukkot, one lives in a Sukkah and during the time of the Beit Hamikdash, 70 bulls were sacrificed for the 70 nations. What is the significance of these two actions in the Sukkot Holiday?
Living in a sukkah, a temporary home, shows Am Yisrael’s faith in G-d. The sacrifices in the Beit Hamikdash were to rectify the sin of the Tower of Bavel, because the nations had rebelled against God.