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In memory of Rav Yehoshua Rosen ז"ל

All articles about the Gemara

Sign of Redemption: Eretz Yisrael gives fruit generously [Gemara-1]


Mesechet Sanhedrin 98a

Why does fruit growing on the trees in Eretz Yisrael indicate the redemption and not something more spiritual?


1. Am Yisrael is developing. As with an infant, physical development precedes spiritual development.

2. Am Yisrael is learning Torah, therefore God sees to it that the nation’s physical condition is positive.

3. Am Yisrael’s progress is evident in the physical condition of Eretz Yisrael.

Presenter: Rav Mordechai Gershon

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Eretz Yisrael Aquired Thru Yisurim [Gemara-2]


Mesechet Berachot 5a

The Gemara Berachot quotes Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai: “G-d gave Israel three gifts and all of them were given only through suffering. The gifts are:
Torah, the Land of Israel and the World to Come

Why would anyone want to receive a gift if the gift causes suffering?


In order to realize the precious gifts of Torah, the Land of Israel and the World to Come, one must be committed and invest oneself in them. Otherwise, these types of gifts will not likely be kept long by the recipient.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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The Number of Tzadikim in the Land of Israel [Gemara-3]


Mesechet Chullin 92a

The Gemara in Chullin 92a teaches there are forty-five righteous people of whom the world continues to exist.

1. What is symbolized by the number forty-five?
2. Why does the Gemara divide the righteous into two groups of thirty and fifteen?
3. Why is the larger group in Eretz Yisrael?


The number forty-five factors as three times fifteen.
The Maharal explains that fifteen represents the highest level. For example, Am Israel was redeemed on the fifteenth of Nissan, a time when the moon is full.
Three has special significance. For example, three-fold Torah (Torah, Navi and Ketuvim) to a three-fold People (Kohanim, Levi’im and Yisraelim).
The larger group exists in Eretz Yisrael since it is the heart of the world and source of vitality for the entire world.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Rabbi Zera’s Impulsivity in Entering Eretz Yisrael [Gemara-4]


Mesechet Ketubot 112a

Rabbi Zera, upon reaching Eretz Yisrael, did not find a ferry to cross the Jordan river. In his haste to enter the Land, he took the risk of crossing on a rope bridge.

Why did Rabbi Zera rush to enter the Land of Israel?


If Rabbi Zera had hesitated before crossing the Jordan, it might have prevented his entering the Land.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Songs of Praise Within Eretz Yisrael [Gemara-5]


Mesechet Megilla 14a

Why is Hallel only recited for miracles that occurred in the Land of Yisrael?


1. The nature of providence over the Land is on a higher level than of other lands.
2. It is more appropriate to recite Hallel in Eretz Yisrael since the influence of the Land’s completion is when the Nation of Israel is within her.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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The Shechina is Not Manifest Outside Eretz Yisrael [Gemara-6]


Rabbi Abba eulogized Rav Huna, saying that he was worthy of having the Shechina rest upon him, but did not since he lived outside the Land of Israel. Why?


Since material things in the Land of Israel can be elevated to a level of sanctity, bodily purity can be achieved. Then the imaginative faculty can be purified as well which allows experiencing the manifestation of the Shechina.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Why Did Elimelech, Machlon and Chilion Die? [Gemara 7]


Why were Elimelech and his sons punished by death for leaving Eretz Yisrael?


Elimelech and his sons’ sin was abandoning the nation in its time of difficulty; geographically (leaving the Land), economically (not supporting the people); and by marrying foreign women.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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The Love of Amoraim for Eretz Yisrael [Gemara-8]


What can be learned from the love of the Amoraim for the Land of Israel?


The love must be expressed in tangible ways: to make aliyah, to invest in her and to focus on her positive side.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Living in Eretz Yisrael is Considered as having a God [Gemara-9]


Why is there more fulfillment to live in the Land of Israel than outside the Land?


1. The fulfillment of mitzvot includes a Jewish national aspect. A significant number of mitzvot cannot be fulfilled outside Eretz Yisrael. Without the Nation of Israel in its Land, there is a great void in the Divine service of Am Yisrael.
2. Kuzari presents a metaphor; planting a vineyard. Am Yisrael’s ability to grow and blossom properly, and to achieve sanctity, depends on its being in Eretz Yisrael.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Why Moshe Rabbeinu declines to lead Birkat Hamazon [Gemara-10]


The Gemara teaches that in the future, God will host a banquet for the righteous and the cup of Grace will be passed among those in attendance. Why will Moshe refuse because he was not privileged to enter the Land of Israel?


Had Moshe been buried in the Land, his sins, including that at Mei Meriva would have been forgiven, since burial in the Land is equivalent to burial under the altar which gives atonement.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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