Year Sponsor
The Pollack Family
In memory of their Uncle Ancel Tessler z"l
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The Names of Eretz Yisrael [Series-1]
Sefer Kuzari, Maamar 2, 20
Kuzari mentions many names given to Eretz Yisrael:
1] The Gate of Heaven 2] Inheritance of God 3] His holy Mountain 4] His Footstool 5] Zion
What can be learned from the many names of Eretz Yisrael?
1. God gave the Land numerous names as an expression of affection for the Land.
2. The Land has numerous qualities which are hinted at by her various names.
Unique Purity of Heart in the Land of Israel [Series-2]
Sefer Kuzari, Conclusion 23
At the end of the Sefer Kuzari, the Rabbi decides to ascend to the Land of Israel.
The king of the Kazars asks: What does the Land of Israel have that other lands do not?
1. Despite the fact that prophecy and overt miracles no longer exist, encounters with G-d still exist in our times. At all times Eretz Yisrael is enveloped by Divine sanctity.
2. God chose the Land and personally and continually supervises her; therefore, it is only within the Land that perfection can be achieved. This is reflected by the fact that the fulfillment of certain mitzvot are dependent upon the Land of Israel.
Sanctity of the Land and Sanctity of Time [Series-3]
Sefer Kuzari 2:18
The Kuzari explains that the sanctity of the Land of Israel and the sanctity of time are interdependent.
What is the connection?
1. Sanctified times allow Am Yisrael to sanctify itself as well as the Land to reach higher level of sanctity.
2. Determination of time (ie. establishing the appointed times) for Israel can be done only in the place of sanctity, since this is a Divine matter.
Love of Eretz Yisrael Hastens the Redemption [Series-4]
According to the Kuzari, how does loving Eretz Yisrael bring the redemption?
1. Love of the Land arouses ascent to her and developing the Land spiritually and physically.
2. Love of the Land is the rectification of the sin of the spies who rejected the Land.
Overturning of Sodom-Only in Eretz Yisrael (Part 1) [Series-5]
1. Why was it necessary to leave Sodom in a permanent state of destruction?
2. What lesson was the Israelites supposed to learn from Sodom’s punishment?
In destroying Sodom, God wanted to teach that Land of Israel is capable of feeling and suffers when sins are committed and vomits out sinners.
Overturning of Sodom-Only in Eretz Yisrael (Part 2) [Series-6]
1. Why was it necessary to leave Sodom in a permanent state of destruction?
2. What lesson was the Israelites supposed to learn from Sodom’s punishment?
Am Yisrael needs to appreciate that in Eretz Yisrael, we must behave as within a royal palace, God’s palace. The expectations are greater of those that live in the land. God placed us in the Land so we may elevate ourselves and the entire world.
Eretz Yisrael Does Not Accept our Enemies [Series-7]
The posuk says: “Your enemies will be appalled by it”. How does the Ramban learn that this is a blessing and not a curse?
Not only will our enemies be unable to settle the Land, but the Land herself will despise them.
Success in War: Effort with Merits of Avot, Tefilla and Torah [Series-8]
Ramban on Bereishit perek 48 posuk 22
In the Bereishit perek 48 posuk 22, Yaakov gives Yosef an extra portion in Eretz Yisrael, The posuk says: “And I have given you one portion (Shechem) over your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow.”
1. Why are the Amorites mentioned, if during Yaakov’s lifetime, the Chivites ruled in Shechem?
2. What is the meaning of Yaakov fighting with his sword and bow?
1. “Amorite” refers to the nation that Am Yisrael will battle when entering the Land.“
2. My sword and my bow” have a dual meaning, refering to prayer and supplication and swords and bows, since in war both are needed.
Is Working in Eretz Yisrael a Mitzva? [Series-9]
How does the Chatam Sofer explain that the disagreement applies specifically to the Land of Israel?
Chatam Sofer suggests the disagreement between Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai concerns Eretz Yisrael. Just like tefilin and lulav are mitzvot, so too working the Land is a mitzva.