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All articles about the Neviim

Eretz Yisrael good influence against anger [Navi 1]


What was the urgency to enter the Land after the death of Moshe?


Like Moshe, the Land of Israel, makes one realize that God manages the world and one should not be angry when situations don’t go according to our expectations.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Rectifying the sin of the Meraglim [Navi 2]


1. Are sending spies a positive or negative action?

2. Why would Yehoshua send spies when the first time brought calamity?


A spying mission is positive or negative depending upon the goals of that mission. Yehoshua’s mission was positive since the agents facilitated Israel’s conquest of the Land.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Unity of Am Yisrael: Pre-Condition for Receiving Eretz Yisrael [Navi 3]


Why before entering the Land of Israel, the Jewish people miraculously stood between the poles of the Ark?


Am Yisrael received the Torah when they achieved unity at Har Sinai. Additionally, the miracle preceding Am Yisrael’s entry expresses that the nation’s success in the Land depends upon unity. That is when G-d rests with Am Yisrael.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Purpose Setting up Stones Taken from Jordan River [Navi 4]


What were the miracles and their purpose when Am Yisrael crossed the Jordan River into the Land of Israel?


The purpose of the miracles while entering the Land were to help Am Yisrael maintain a level of sanctity. This sanctity wil be present whenever they will engage in mundane activities in the Land while being aware of G-d’s presence

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Inheriting the Land by Connecting to Forefathers’ Deeds [Navi-5]


Upon entry into the Land of Israel, why did God command to circumcise a “second time”?


When Am Yisrael did circumcision and offered the Paschal lamb, it demonstrated that they acted in the same manner as the forefathers and were therefore worthy of the fulfillment of the Divine promise to inherit the Land.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Purpose of open miracles in the Conquest of Yericho [Navi-6]


Why was it necessary for Yericho to be captured with open miracles?


1. For Am Yisrael to realize that their success comes from God’s fighting on their behalf.
2. To instill fear of God and of His nation among the nations.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Redemption: First Return to Eretz Yisrael, then Teshuva [Navi-7]


In the process of redemption, what comes first: ingathering of the exiles or purification?


Stage1- Ingathering of exiles constitutes sanctification of G-d’s name since it will stop the nations’ claim of G-d’s inability for Am Yisrael to remain in its Land.

Stage2- God will bring His people to the Land where the holy atmosphere of Eretz Yisrael has the power to purify Am Yisrael.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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Redemption: Zion by justice, Those that do teshuva by righteousness [Navi-8]


According to this posuk, how will the Nation of Israel repent and be worthy of redemption?


Zion (Jerusalem) deserves redemption even by mishpat, since it has been severely punished. Her repentant ones, Am Yisrael, will be redeemed through tẓedaka, through G-d’s grace, by doing teshuva.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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God Does Not Abandon Zion or Am Yisrael [Navi-9]


The posuk says: “Zion said, The Lord has forsaken me, and the Lord has forgotten me.” What is the difference in the meaning of forsaken and forgotten?


Zion feels that G-d has not only forsaken her but has forgotten her as if totally disconnected from her. G-d’s response: just like a mother cannot forget her child, G-d does not forget His Nation.

Presenter: Avrum Leeder

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